Here is a link to our manuals. Read the manual before using the tools.
Use the QR code or click on the PDF link.
Use the QR code or click on the PDF link.
Safety Documents
We collected safety documents relevant to the makerspace. You can find them at the link below. The subfolder 'exams' has self tests you can take to make sure you understand safety. Remember - safety is your responsibility.
We collected safety documents relevant to the makerspace. You can find them at the link below. The subfolder 'exams' has self tests you can take to make sure you understand safety. Remember - safety is your responsibility.
Why become a member?
Membership provides you with 24/7 access to our workshop, tools, and any member-only events. As a member you get a vote for the board members and a voice in major decisions made by the organization. Your financial support goes directly to funding our mission and pays for our space, tools, and community activities.
Our classes and meetings are open to the public for free, unless otherwise stated. Non-members can't use the tools for insurance reasons.
Our classes and meetings are open to the public for free, unless otherwise stated. Non-members can't use the tools for insurance reasons.
Membership is $30 per month.
Payments are handled by our membership management tool. It is a recurring payment that makes a charge on the 1st of every month. If you join at the middle of the month your first month's payment is going to be prorated so that you only get charged for the remainder of the first month.
Payments are handled by our membership management tool. It is a recurring payment that makes a charge on the 1st of every month. If you join at the middle of the month your first month's payment is going to be prorated so that you only get charged for the remainder of the first month.
How to sign up
- Review the Cola Makerspace code of conduct and other policies.
- Navigate to and fill out required info to apply for membership.
- We will schedule a tour of the space during one of our regular meetings. Please see the Events page for dates.